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Bill Payment Checklist


The bill payments checklist is such an ideal way of keeping a log of your monthly bills. You can easily log the due date, the bill description, the amount and if you have paid it. 

Checklists are a really effective way of easily seeing what has been done or what needs done. This is no different with bills. If you note your bills down, along with the due date and amounts you can begin to figure out when to expect the money coming out of your bank, which can help you budget for that.

Writing your bills down also allows you to take a good look at them and see what bills are really necessary.

When you download this bill payments checklist you will receive four different styles of printable – Botanical, Classic, Cursive and Soft. It’s a great printable to have in your favorite planner.

Keep all of your bill details together and stay on top of your bill payments with this easy to use checklist.

The Bill Payments Checklist is an instant digital download (nothing will be shipped).

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