Here you will find help if you’re having difficulty downloading an item from our website.
Please read this page before trying to contact us. Most questions that we get asked have answers on this page.
- Download Help
- Not received your code
- Get a code instantly without subscribing
- Code not working
- Lost code
- GoodNotes help
- Why do we require codes?
- Contact
We are happy to answer your questions or requests for help relating to our products or website.
Contact us at: hello {at} worldofprintables {dot} com

Download help & how where to enter codes
Freebie codes can be redeemed in our Freebie Vault.
Most people can download without issues, but if you’re having difficulty, then the likely issue can be resolved with our help below.
Digital planners and printable planners can be downloaded via our Planner Hub or Freebie Vault.
Download Not Starting
When trying to download a product with a download button, please click the button and wait a few moments for our website to fetch the download for you. The download will start. There is no need to keep clicking the download button, as this will just delay the download starting.
How to Get a Download Code
All of our products are completely free for personal use only.
The download codes for each product are shown in our website videos. Go to our Freebie Vault to choose your product, you’ll also see a video that displays our codes, one for printables, and another code for digital planners.
The video on this page also has the latest codes. Wait a moment for the video with the codes to cycle through as we may have other videos currently playing.
Not received your code after signing up for our newsletter?
If you have signed up for a freebie and expecting a code but haven’t received it yet, then it might be your spam blocker. Alternatively, get your code instantly by watching our videos displayed on every page of our website.
To make sure you keep getting these emails, please add our email address to your address book or whitelist us. You can unsubscribe at any time.

hello {at} worldofprintables {dot} com
NOTE: If you need help and have a question, please read through this page before contacting us as it’s likely that your question will be answered right here.
Get your code instantly – no need to subscribe
Tip: You don’t need to subscribe to our newsletter to get your code!
The download codes are displayed in our website videos. Simply watch our website videos and you’ll find the latest codes within them. If you can’t see the videos, simply disable your adblocker and refresh the page then wait here for the video to cycle through to the code video.
Wherever you sign up for the free product, you’ll also find a direct link to get the product next to the signup form. Just click the link to go straight to the product and you’ll see a video on the page that displays the code to get it for free, so no need to sign up. See why we require codes for more.
After you’ve been subscribed for a few months you’ll receive a special newsletter that gives you access to our Love & Pixels hub and our latest codes for quick and easy access to all of our latest products.
Our video with your freebie code:
If you can’t see the video above, simply disable your ad blocker and refresh the page.
Code not working?
We assure you that the code you have received is correct as they have been tested. If your code isn’t working you’re likely entering the code for a different item.
Your email will tell you the name of the item. Search for this on the page and enter your code.
TIP: Make sure you enter the password to download using the code that you received in your email. Enter it exactly as shown in the email, i.e. ALL CAPS
Also, make sure you’re trying to download the correct one. Look at the pictures next to the planner you’re trying to download.
NOTE: Each download uses a different password for each to prevent misuse. To download more than one item, simply get a code for each item you need, using the link next to each item, or get the universal code from our video. This changes regularly.
If for some reason you don’t see the password box pop up, make sure you disable your popup blocker or ad blocker as this may prevent the password prompt from showing.
Universal Code
We offer a universal code that gives you access to our Love & Pixels hub, giving you quick access to all of our products, freebies, and more. We give these codes out to our newsletter subscribers after they have been subscribed for several months.
Lost your Love & Pixels code?
If you have subscribed to our Love & Pixels hub Love & Pixels hub and for some reason you don’t have your code or have lost it, please get in touch and we will get back to you with your access code as quickly as possible.
Why do we require codes?
You might be wondering why we require codes to download our free products.
To give our products away for free to our audience, we simply require you to use a code. This is to prevent misuse of our website and products, such as direct linking to our downloads, amongst other things.
We can give our products away for free to our visitors through the advertising that we display on our websites. This means that you don’t have to buy anything, you can save money by getting a lot of valuable products for no cost, literally saving you a lot of money compared to buying similar products elsewhere. In return, you help us out by simply viewing the ads on our website which will also display the codes without any need to sign up for our newsletter if you don’t want to.
Just because we give our products away for free, doesn’t mean that they’re not valuable. Nor does it mean that you can do anything you want with them. These are copyrighted products that we’ve put a lot of time and work into creating and they are for personal use only, you cannot redistribute, reproduce, or resell any of our creations.
If you identify our products used anywhere other than our website, please get in touch to notify us.
GoodNotes Help
GoodNotes has two ways of using digital planners, edit and read-only.
If you’re in read-only mode, it won’t let you use it as a planner. Going into edit mode lets you use it as a planner, writing on the pages, using the tabs, etc.
Here is more on read-only mode from GoodNotes and how to turn it off.