Category Archives: Recipe Substitutes

Substitutes for vanilla extract

Vanilla Extract Substitutes

Vanilla extract is one of the most popular ingredients in many cakes, cookies, baked goods, ice creams, and desserts. If your recipe calls for vanilla extract but you don’t have it on hand then there are other options that are just as good. Vanilla extract adds flavor and aroma to cooking/baking. Good vanilla extract substitutes […]

Subsitutes for cornstarch

Cornstarch Substitutes

Cornstarch is a great ingredient for making crispy coatings and thickening your soups, but we don’t always have cornstarch in our pantry. There are other alternatives to cornstarch that you can use when you need something in a pinch. Here are some substitutes for cornstarch in recipes: Get your Cornstarch Substitutes printable below and add […]