The Kaizen Method – How To Improve Your Life And Live Each Day Better

The Kaizen Method – How To Improve Your Life & Live Each Day Better

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Learn how to organize and improve every aspect of your life. We show you how to use the Kaizen method to plan, set your goals, push for improvement, and dream big.

Are you feeling a little bleh about the daily grind of life?

Not sure how to control the chaos in your life?

We’re always so busy with everything going on in our lives, it almost feels like we’re firefighting every single day.

Is every month the same as the last? Do you feel like nothing really changes? 

We’re so busy with the daily grind, it’s hard to find time to focus on YOU. Life just always seems to get in the way.

Not sure how to go about making changes or improvements to your life? Do you even know where to start?

Think that you’re never really going to do anything better with your life?

Want to make positive changes to your life? Want to see bigger and better things happen to your life? To feel better about yourself?

If you’re feeling any of these then I’m guessing you’ve never heard about the Kaizen method.

What is the Kaizen Method

The Japanese concept of Kaizen, which means “constant improvement” or “change for the better” was principally applied to business processes and is the reason why Japanese manufacturers dominated the world for years.

The Japanese word “Kaizen” means “kai = change, zen = good” – “change for the good”

Kaizen can be applied to all aspects of your life and work and is a great methodology for empowering individuals to achieve personal growth.

The Japanese approach to life is very different from that of the west.

This philosophy of continuous improvement benefits all walks of life in Japan. Put it this way, if you do the same thing over and over, improving a little each and every time, each and every day, you’ll always aim to achieve more.  If you continue to improve you’ll reach the top, you’ll see success at your goals, habits, finances, life, and work.

In Japan, everything matters, including the little things. The Japanese pay so much attention to the little things and to those who aren’t used to their way of life, it may seem time-consuming. But the effort in the details pays for itself over time.

How the Kaizen Method can help you improve your life

When applied to everyday life, the Kaizen method actually has the unique potential to help people improve their lives in achievable steps. Unlike self-help schemes, 12 step plans, or whatever gimmick you see everywhere, the Kaizen method actually only tries to get you to make small incremental improvements each day.

In its simplest terms, think of it like whatever you did before, try to do it at least 1% better today.

It’s the simple thought of what you did yesterday you could do slightly better today that is the compound effect in action. A 1% improvement might not seem like much, but over time these continual improvements can be dramatic.

It’s this philosophy that helps you be better in all ways that matter to you, by yearning to achieve more than you did previously.

It’s the incremental improvements that make it easy and sustainable to follow, and not a requirement to take giant steps that self-improvement programs make you try that are unlikely to be maintainable.

This is exactly why we decided to take the Kaizen method and apply it to a life planner, to help you not only get things done but to live each day better.

The Kaizen Planner-banner-desktop

What is The Kaizen Planner

The Kaizen planner takes this concept of continuous improvement and applies it to life. It can help transform how you live your life, how you work, and how productive you can be both at work and at improving your relationships, life, and wellbeing.

The Kaizen Planner is more than just a planner.

It’s a philosophy for continuous improvement in life and work, to change for the better.

It’s a tool to help you organize and improve every aspect of your life, it’s designed to encourage you to plan, set your goals, push for improvement, and dream big.

This planner wasn’t just created to make your life easier, it was designed to make your life better.

It has all of the pages that you’ll typically find in a planner, but they’re enhanced, with a focus on helping you make improvements to your life each day. There are also many pages that help you get more from your life, focus on personal improvement and empower you to achieve your goals.

You’ll not find a planner like it that not only helps you plan, organize & schedule, but also helps you to continually improve your life each day you use it.

We designed the Kaizen planner in two themes, Cute, and Classic.

The Cute Kaizen planner is for those who want some positive vibes, who want something fun and less formal. It’s available in 7 different colors, so you can change your color each month, or each day. It’s completely up to you.

We also created a Classic Kaizen planner, which is more formal, for those who like structure and want to get serious about their planning, but stay focused on the philosophy of living each day better. The classic Kaizen planner is also available in 7 different color options and you get all of the colors and themes in the printable bundle.

The Cute Kaizen Planner in pink

Why we created The Kaizen Planner

If you’ve been following World of Printables for a while, you’ll know that we make a lot of awesome printables.

Our calendars and planners are hugely successful and we regularly have over 100,000’s visitors to our website each month who love our wide range of printable calendars, planners, and templates.

Like many others, we’ve used our own planners each day, week, and month for some time now.

But we felt that although our planners looked nice and better than many planners that you’ll find elsewhere, they didn’t really help you much other than to plan your schedules and organize your days.

Our days were still the same. Just getting on and getting things done like everyone else, firefighting the days with little time left at the end of them.

We felt like there had to be more than just planning your days and weeks ahead. We needed to get more from our lives and so do those who use our planners. We wanted to find a way to improve our lives and to help others do the same with our planners.

We wanted to learn techniques that help you not only get more things done but to make improvements to your life and see the results from the efforts that you put in.

So we bought lots of planners. We watched lots of YouTube videos. Listened to too many podcasts. Read every self-help post.

All over the course of the last few months (felt like years).

We began this journey excited, with a mission, we put weeks into the project, and here’s where we are:

We were running two businesses while raising two young children, maintaining a marriage, health issues, and all during a pandemic.

This led us to 3 important discoveries about planners…

  1. A lot of people get lazy with the planners they create. They create the same things over and over, because they think that’s what people want. We’ve even been guilty of it. Everybody who’s ever produced planners think that all people want to do is organize their days. This is clearly why people are always buying different planners. They hope the next one that they buy will be the one that helps them start fresh and get more done. But they’re all just the same. How many planners have you bought that you’ve only gotten part way through before ditching or buying another?
  2. Planners don’t have to be complex, but they do require a different approach. We all want to organize our days and weeks ahead. But we also want to make positive changes to our lives. To strive for more and to achieve more. We needed to find a way to help our planners do that.
  3. You need to start making changes now, or you’ll remain stuck in this forever cycle while others are progressing with their lives.

Most people who are doing well in their lives are doing so because they made positive changes and strived for more a while ago. The longer you’ve been making positive improvements to your life, the more success and positivity you’re likely to see today.

It’s like the saying “the best time to make changes to your life was yesterday, the second-best time is today”.

When we discovered the Kaizen method, that’s when we realized that we could take this philosophy of continuous improvement and apply it to everyday living.

We created the Kaizen planner because we wanted a planner that helps you get more from your life than just the typical pages that you find in a regular planner.

We wanted people to get more from the things that they do, not just to get things done, but to actually improve the things that they do, constantly, and to live each day better.

How The Kaizen Planner helps you

The Kaizen Planner helps you do this, it helps you live each day better.

With the Kaizen planner you’ll constantly strive to be better in many different ways, you’ll:

  • Plan better – Each day is a new opportunity to achieve things. It’s your opportunity to live each day better.
  • Sleep better – Make improvements to your sleep, improve your health, immune system, concentration, and wellbeing.
  • Think better – Take control of your thinking for more focused action, process your emotions, make better plans, decisions and learn to think big.
  • Eat better – Making healthier choices and eating better will improve your health, focus, wellbeing and ultimately benefit your life.
  • Exercise better – Strive to make constant improvements to your physical health and track your progress.
  • Feel better – Take control of all aspects of your life will lead to positive changes and the cycle of positivity will continue.
  • Budget better – Being organized with your budget and finances helps you be less stressed and more in control of your life.
  • Save better – When you set goals for big things that cost money, you’re setting yourself up for big rewards.
  • Work better – Consistently improve your work, achieve things in your professional life, your projects, and your side hustles. 

With Kaizen, you’ll live better. And you’ll repeat this cycle of constant improvement, making each day better.

The Kaizen Planner Bundle

What’s in The Kaizen Planner

The Kaizen Planner features over 20 pages that will help you plan, organize & schedule your days and weeks ahead, but with the emphasis on helping you to continually improve your life each day you use it.

It will help you set goals, track your progress and encourage you to keep improving the things that are important to you.

Let’s take a closer look at what’s included.

Improvement Planner

This is where it begins. The improvement planner is where you start the cycle of constant improvement. To live each day better.

You’ll plan the things that you want to focus on this month and the things that can be improved in your life. This starting point helps you focus on what you need to work on improving.

You’ll also write what you want to achieve this coming month. It’s important that you set goals, this is the fundamentals of the Kaizen method, by striving for constant improvement.

You’ll also jot ideas down for things you’d like to learn over the coming month, to help you continue to develop and advance.

You’ll also jot ideas down for things you’d like to do that arent your daily or weekly tasks. Like visiting a friend you haven’t seen in a while, or going places you’ve never been before. Making new, positive memories is good for our mental health and wellbeing.

You’ll regularly review the improvement planner over the course of the month so that you maintain your focus and stay on track and at the end of the month you’ll reflect on how your month went and plan how next month could be better.

Kaizen is about constantly improving. Sure, you might have had a good month, but what could have been better? You’ll use this as a learning experience, to reflect on what could have been better so you’ll know what to strive for when you plan your next month.

You can use the improvement planner at any point in the month, setting up ideas for the next month that’s coming.

Kaizen Printable Improvement Planner
Improvement Planner

Thoughts & Notes

When you write down your thoughts and ideas, or simply take notes for anything, you’re much more likely to be able to follow through on them. You’ll also release them from your mind so that you don’t feel overwhelmed.

Writing thoughts down is a great way of figuring things out that are important to you. It enables a higher level of thinking, which results in more focused action.

When your brain isn’t busy trying to remember so many things, it’s much better at processing things. Writing things down helps our brains prioritize the things we need to focus on.

It might seem easier to just store things in your brain rather than writing them down, but writing things down helps things get stored in our long-term memory, which means that you’re much more likely to remember them than the many passing thoughts you have each day.

You’re also much more likely to remember your thoughts by seeing them written down in your planner, as you use the planner each and every day.

It also helps us process our emotions. You know how helpful it can be to talk through your thoughts and feelings with a friend or loved one? Well, writing things down has the same effect, but rather a self-soothing one.

It also gives us a record of the past. You’ll gain a sense of achievement. It helps you think big and it makes you feel more committed.

Our thoughts and ideas are what make us who we are. Writing down your thoughts, ideas, and goals helps you make better plans and decisions and helps you think better.

Kaizen thoughts and notes page
Thoughts & Notes Page

Kaizen Tracker

The Kaizen tracker helps you track the progress you are making to continuous improvements to your life each day.

The Kaizen Tracker features pre-set self-improvement goals so that you can see how you’re progressing with each element that makes up the Kaizen Planner.

The Kaizen Tracker will help you:

  • Plan better
  • Sleep better
  • Think better
  • Eat better
  • Exercise better
  • Feel better
  • Budget better
  • Save better
  • Work better

You’ll track each element each month which will help you stay focused and motivated on your journey of constant improvement.

Striving to use the Kaizen tracker each day to track your goal progress for each element, will ultimately help you to live better.

Kaizen Tracker
Kaizen Tracker

Goal Planner

If you want to achieve a goal, you need to write it down. Writing your goals helps you strive better.

Did you know that studies show that those who write their goals down are much more likely to achieve them?

The more vividly you describe your goals in written form is strongly associated with goal success.

This is why it was very important we included a goal planner in The Kaizen Planner.

Use this goal planner to set yourself new goals for things that you want to work towards. Each page helps you focus on two goals at once. You’ll set a realistic deadline for when you aim to achieve them.

You’ll break each goal down into actions that need to be taken in order to progress with achieving your goals and you’ll check these off when they’ve been actioned.

Finally, you’ll reflect on your progress and ultimately what you achieved and the results from reaching your goals.

You can then keep this in your planner for future reflection. By seeing the goals that you’ve achieved previously and what you did to achieve them, you’ll feel even more empowered for setting and achieving more goals in the future.

You’ll continue to strive for constant improvement.

Kaizen Printable Goal Planner
Goal Planner

Many more pages to help you plan, prioritize, focus, and improve

There are many more pages included within The Kaizen Planner, all designed to help you improve the things that you do rather than just get stuff done.

There’s a Personal Planning page that helps you focus on your own self-improvement, whether that’s your mental health, physical health, your goals for the week, or anything else that’s focused on YOU.

There’s a Home Planner to help you take the chaos out of you’re home. Being more organized at home helps you have a more focused living.

Kaizen Printable Personal Planner
Personal Planning
Kaizen Printable Home Planning - Green
Home Planning

There are also the regular planner pages that you’ll find in a typical planner but are enhanced to help you make constant improvements each day.

To-do List, Day Planner, Weekly Planner, and Monthly Planner pages all have what you need to plan, schedule, and prioritize, but also feature sections to help you focus on what you want to improve on each day as well as sections for you to reflect on those achievements.

Kaizen Printable Day Planner - Blue
Daily Planner
Kaizen Printable Weekly Planner
Weekly Planner

You’ll find a page for helping you plan your projects. Whether that’s to do with your hobbies, your side hustle, or your work. You can use the Project Planner page to plan out your project to help you plan, prioritize and schedule how you’re going to do it.

You’ll also find pages to help you take control of your finances, track your spending, save better, and budget yourself to a better life. Being organized with your bills helps you be more organized with your finances and this helps you be less stressed and more in control of your life.

Kaizen Printable Simple Budget Tracker
Simple Budget Tracker
Kaizen Printable Savings Tracker
Savings Tracker

You’ll even find pages to help you eat better and healthier, and continually make positive changes and improve yourself and your life.

You’ll be able to track your weight too. Maintaining a healthy weight is important for our health and wellbeing.

Kaizen Printable Recipe Planner
Recipe Planner
Kaizen Printable Weight Tracker
Weight Tracker

This sleep tracker will help you focus on trying to sleep better. Getting a good amount of sleep each night is important to our health, immune system, concentration, and wellbeing.

Our moods and emotions affect us in so many ways which is why you’ll also find a mood tracker so that you can also track your mood each day. Unlike emotions that are short-lived reactions to things that happen to us daily and are often outside our control, our moods are an affective state that can last for hours or days. So track your mood, live better, feel better.

You can track your habits too with the Habit Tracker template. Good habits can be hard to start. They can be even harder to keep. But it’s the things that we do each day that make us who we are. Aiming to improve the things that we do helps us improve ourselves and our lives.

You can track anything that you want to make progress with. This can be reading, exercising, eating better, learning new things, sleeping better. Whatever you want to make progress with, you can set these goals and track them with this habit tracker.

Kaizen Printable Mood Tracker
Mood Tracker
Kaizen Printable Habit Tracker
Habit Tracker

At the end of each month, you’ll be able to review and reflect on the things that you’ve done, to help you focus on the things you can do to improve yourself. At the end of each month, it’s important to reflect on the month and review the things that happened with the aim of continuing your focus on making further improvements the next month.

Lastly, you’ll use the how next month can be better section to recognize the things that you can do to make constant improvements to your life. Knowing what could be better helps you set goals to make them better.

Kaizen Printable Month in Review - Purple
Month in Review

You’ll then start the whole cycle again by using the information here to fill your improvement planner for the following month.

And the cycle of constant improvement continues.

How The Kaizen Planner helps you improve your life

The Kaizen method helps you strive for continuous improvements.

The Kaizen planner takes this concept of continuous improvement and applies it to life. It can help transform how you live your life, how you work, and how productive you can be both at work and at improving your relationships, life, and wellbeing.

Any planner helps you plan and schedule your daily life, but the Kaizen Planner is more than just a planner. It’s a tool to help you not only stay organized but also make improvements to every aspect of your life.

By taking this philosophy and using it with The Kaizen Planner will help you get the most from each day, to live each day better.

You’ll have an enhanced focus on living better. You’ll be encouraged to plan, set your goals, push for improvement, and dream big.

This makes it not like any other planner that you’ll find. If you want to make improvements to your life, then this is the planner for you.

How to get The Kaizen Planner


The Kaizen Planner

The Kaizen Planner is more than just a planner.

It’s a philosophy for continuous improvement in life and work, to change for the better.

It’s a tool to help you organize and improve every aspect of your life, it’s designed to encourage you to plan, set your goals, push for improvement, and dream big.

This planner wasn’t just created to make your life easier, it was designed to make your life better.

Available in two styles

The Kaizen Planner is available in two styles, Cute & Classic.

The Cute Kaizen Planner in pink

The Cute Kaizen Planner

The Classic Kaizen planner in black

The Classic Kaizen Planner

Both editions come in a range of stylish colors.
All are included with your purchase.

Each in a range of stylish colors

Both planners come in a range of different stylish colors.

All styles and colors are included in the bundle.

The Cute Kaizen Planner in green
The Cute Kaizen Planner in aqua
The Cute Kaizen Planner in blue
The Cute Kaizen Planner in purple
The Cute Kaizen Planner in orange
The Cute Kaizen Planner in black

One massive bundle of Kaizen planners

The Kaizen Planner is exclusive to World of Printables.
You’ll not find a planner like it that not only helps you plan, organize & schedule, but also helps you to continually improve your life each day you use it.
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Home » Planners » The Kaizen Method – How To Improve Your Life & Live Each Day Better

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